

Second Call for Position Papers
Information Research and Learning with Lifelogging Devices (IRLLD 2016)
A Session for Interaction and Engagement at iConference 2016
Philadelphia, PA, USA   

Important Dates
Submission deadline: February 1, 2016
Notification of acceptance: February 14, 2016
Standard registration due: February 23, 2016
Camera-ready due: February 25, 2016
Conference date: March 20-23, 2016

Wearable devices and mobile devices have become commodity, and collecting a massive amount of personal lifelog data has become much easier than before. This creates many opportunities for iSchool researchers, developers, learners, and educators. For example, information seeking research has traditionally relied on questionnaire or interview data to understand the contextual factor in depth, yet showed limited quantitative verification of their theories. Wearable devices can provide a strong evidence to support mixed-design studies. Learning analytics have also been a popular subject, and many applications have been developed using MOOC data. However, we do not have much insights from students' lifelogging activities. Therefore, there are still many gaps to bridge among researchers, developers, learners, and educators, to fully leverage the power of lifelogging devices and their data.

This session for interaction and engagement is to create a living lab environment where participants can experience various lifelogging devices such as wearable video recorders, wearable cameras, or audio recorders. Target group are information behavioural researchers (both qualitative and quantitative), multimedia and/or UI developers, students who want to improve their work/life experience, and educators who explores the ways to develop reflective learning programs using lifelogging data. Participants can play with the wearable devices to see what kind of data can be collected, analysed, and visualized.

We encourage submissions of two-page position papers that describe lifelogging systems, study showcase, or interesting ideas about lifelogging devices or lifelog data. Submissions from students, developers, educators, and researchers in various domains are welcome. Candidate topics include but are not limited to:

- Lifelog data as part of mix design research and other social science studies
- Ethical issues and potential guidelines for the use of lifelog data in research
- Development of data analysis and/or interactive systems for lifelog data
- Reflective learning using lifelogging devices in schools or lifelong learning
- Educational programs in iSchools using lifelogging devices or data
- Work/Life balancing based on lifelogging devices or data
- Evaluation of lifelogging technologies and services
- New devices, sensors, and approaches to lifelogging

Session structure
The session will be a full-day program at iConference 2016. During the session, participants have the opportunity to experience various lifelogging devices in a living lab environment. Accepted papers will be presented by oral, poster or demo depending on the nature of the contribution. In addition, core research directions regarding the development and use of lifelog devices in Information Research and Learning will be discussed in a round table session.

Submission Details
We welcome submissions of position papers (2 pages). All papers must the official iConference template ( Submissions will be peer-reviewed by the organizers and members of the program committee. We plan to publish the papers as CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 
Papers must be submitted electronically in printable PDF format through the Easy Chair submission page (

Organizing Committee
- Hideo Joho, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Cathal Gurrin, Dublin City University, Ireland
- Frank Hopfgartner, University of Glasgow, UK

Program Committee
- Graham Healy, Dublin City University, Ireland
- Havard Johansen, UiT - The Arctic University of Norway, Norway
- Na Li, Dublin City University, Ireland
- Mamiko Matsubayashi, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Atsushi Matsumura, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Michael O'Mahony, University College Dublin, Ireland
- Amon Rapp, University of Torino, Italy
- Tetsuji Satoh, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Yohei Seki, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Masao Takaku, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Taro Tezuka, University of Tsukuba, Japan
- Robert Villa, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Jiang Zhou, Dublin City University, Ireland