

   Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Volume: 93, Number: 1 (January 2016)<> is now available online.

Bulletin of Hispanic Studies is recognised across the world as one of the front-ranking journals in the field of Hispanic research, it is supported by an editorial committee specialising in a vast range of Hispanic scholarship. You can keep up to date with the journal by clicking here<> to sign up to new issue alerts, and can learn more about the title at its website page here<>.



   El transformismo de santa Eugenia. Del cuerpo medieval al ingenio barroco<>

   Fernando Baños Vallejo


   The Metaphysics of Espronceda's Romanticism in El estudiante de Salamanca<>

   Elizabeth Scarlett


   Negotiating Space in Literary Representations of Holocaust Trauma: Jorge Semprún's Le grand voyage and Antonio Muñoz Molina's Sefarad<>

   Samuel O'Donoghue


   Espino Licsi vs. Licsi Espino: cantos a la cultura española desde Filipinas<>

   Rocío Ortuño Casanova


   Niñas que fusilan y son fusiladas: discurso, imaginación y violencia en Nellie Campobello y Elena Garro<>

   Margo Echenberg


   Books Received<>


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