

	  Can you confirm the exact permissions ( e.g. with ls -al ) of


Kind Regards
> Hi Everyone,
> I am new to programming and FSL. I am attempting to run an HLA but keep running into the same error:
> Higher-level input files preparation
> /usr/local/fsl/bin/featregapply /home/tehrlich/es13cw4_nl/38450/cw438450_mc_fm_ds_nl.feat
> /usr/local/fsl/bin/applywarp --ref=reg/standard --in=example_func --out=frgrot_biEmU0 --warp=reg/highres2standard_warp --premat=reg/example_func2highres.mat --interp=spline
> Error: failed to open file frgrot_biEmU0.nii.gz
> Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image frgrot_biEmU0
> terminate called after throwing an instance of 'RBD_COMMON::BaseException'
> All of the image files in the lower-level Feat directories are present. I also checked the permissions to the files and directories and that does not appear to be the source of the error. Any assistance would be most appreciated.
> Thanks!