

Best wishes,
Yann Calbérac

Début du message réexpédié

Dear colleagues,

The volume of proceedings from the conference on  "Literature and Geography" that was held on the 12th-13th of March 2015 has now been published at Cambridge Scholars Press (  

Emmanuelle Peraldo ed. Literature and Geography: the Writing of Space throughout History. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press, 2016, 490 pages, £57.99 (£24.99 until Feb 1st)

It has been selected to be showcased in CSP's "New Releases" marketing campaign (Cambridge Scholars Publishing); as a consequence, until February 1st, it is heavily discounted: £24.99 instead of £57.99. 

To order it, or to view an extract of the table of contents and introduction, please visit . 

Kind regards,

Emmanuelle Peraldo
Maître de conférences en littérature britannique du XVIIIème siècle
membre de l'IETT (Institut d’Etudes Transtextuelles et Transculturelles, EA 4186)
Université Jean Moulin, Lyon 3
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