CALL FOR PAPERS: European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (ECCE 2016)


6th – 8th September 2016, Nottingham, UK http://ecce2016.eace.net/


ECCE 2016 is the 34th annual conference of the European Association of Cognitive Ergonomics. This leading conference in cognitive ergonomics, human technology interaction and cognitive engineering provides the opportunity for both researchers and practitioners to exchange new ideas and practical experiences from a variety of domains.

The main theme of ECCE 2016 is simulation, visualisation and digital technologies. We invite long and short papers, demo and poster submissions, and doctoral consortium applications.


Important Dates

- February 15, 2016, 5pm (CET): Due date for all submissions

- May 2, 2016: Notification of acceptance

- June 15, 2016, 5pm (CET): Camera-ready version of accepted contributions

- July 16, 2016, 5pm (CET): Early registration deadline

- September 5, 2016: ECCE 2016 Doctoral Consortium

- September 6-8, 2016: ECCE 2016 Conference



[log in to unmask] (Conference Chair)

[log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask] (Programme Chairs)

[log in to unmask] (Doctoral Consortium)