Dear Vladimir and SPM experts,

I'd like to combine planar gradiometers for sensor space stats analysis. In my pre-processing pipeline, my combine_planar step sits in between Epoched filtered data and Average (e.g. Epoch > Baseline > Filter > Combine Planar > Average). I've checked that SPM recognises the channel labels from the raw data (MEGPLANAR), and I've tried with both Maxfiltered and raw data.

Below is the error message I keep getting and its corresponding lines, if that helps :

Failed  'Combine planar'
Output argument "planar" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "/apps/spm12/spm_eeg_planarchannelset.m>spm_eeg_planarchannelset".
In file "/apps/spm12/spm_eeg_combineplanar.m" (v5533), function "spm_eeg_combineplanar" at line 41.
In file "/mnt/coraid0/apps/spm12b-rev5892/config/spm_cfg_eeg_combineplanar.m" (v5377), function "eeg_combineplanar" at line 58.

at line 41
chanset = spm_eeg_planarchannelset(D.chanlabels);

at line 58
out.D       = spm_eeg_combineplanar(S);
out.Dfname  = {fullfile(out.D)};

Would appreciate any advice on this, or even just a holler that I've missed out on something basic.

Thanks very much in advance!


Dr Shu Hui Yau
Marie Curie Postdoctoral Researcher
Aston Brain Centre
Aston University

B4 7ET United Kingdom

0121204 4151 /4937

I also have a profile at the Australian Research Council Centre for Cognition and its Disorders :