

Dear Ian and colleagues

Many thanks.

Just to note that

- France and Switzelrand agreed in 1994 a French Zone of control near
Geneva Airpot located  in Switzerland:

-Nepal agreed to let temporarly India use its territory during the
construction of  Sarada dam

- USSR and Finland (again...) agreed a provisional use ("bail" in French)
of Finland in Soviet part of Saimaa channel and the Island of Maly

- USSR and Finland (once again...) agreed to a definitive exchange of
sovereignty due to hidroelectric plant Janisoski adn Niskakovski dam

- Italy and Switzerland exchanged small portions of territory in order to
facilitated access to Breggia torrent

- France and Switzerland exchanged small portions of territory due do
Emesson artificial bassin and Chatelard hidroelectric plant.

- Iran and USSR exhanged portions of territory near Mil-Mugan dam.

There are other examples between Romania and USSR near Stinca Costesi
hidroelectric plan, and some others arrangements.

When you have  a good relations with your neighbour, things are easy to

Yours sincerely

Nicolas Boeglin

2015-12-22 9:28 GMT-06:00 Ilan Kelman <
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> The peak of international boundary collaboration?