

Dear GNHRE members,


Sorry to fill your inboxes with a request for help but I was wondering if anyone in the network has good connections to Mary Robinson and/or Nick Stern?


'The Bridge to the Future' – an alliance between some of Norway's largest trade unions, environmental organisations, the Norwegian Church, researchers and others who support a just transition away from petroleum and creating 100,000 climate jobs – would like to invite them to The Bridge to the Future Conference 2016 on Friday 19th February 2016 in Oslo. Prime Minister Erna Solberg and former UN Undersecretary-General Jan Egeland are already confirmed. Themes include industrial transitions across various sectors and how movements can respond to events in Paris. 


Any assistance GNHRE members can give in getting in touch with Robinson or Stern are massively appreciated!


Best wishes,


Aled Dilwyn Fisher
Doctoral Research Fellow (European Joint Doctorate in Law and Development, EDOLAD)

Department of Public and International Law, Faculty of Law
University of Oslo

Visiting address: 6th floor, Domus Nova, St. Olavs plass 5, 0165 Oslo, Norway
Post address: Postboks 6706 St. Olavs plass 5 0130 Oslo, Norway
Telephone: +47 
22 84 20 41 || Mobile: +47 413 427 33
Publications || EDOLAD

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