

Dear FSL experts,

I am looking into correlation between test scores and FA and would like to control for dose of medication.

I am using the following matrix: EV1=test score demined; EV2= medication dose demined

An following contrasts:
                           EV1    EV2
C1  pos test        1          0
C2  neg test        -1         0
C3  pos medic     1          0
C4  neg medic     -1         0

As I am not interested in the relationship between medication and FA per se, I disabled the yellow box next to C3 & C4, thinking that this way I would avoid randomisation to waist time on doing 5000 x 2 permutations for contrasts C3 & C4. However, when I get my results, there is a 'tfce_corrp' stats created, which confused me on the meaning of the yellow box next to the contrasts. 

What are these boxes for? & Did I do anything wrong in disabling them?


Thais Minett