

Dear FSL experts,

I am experiencing some problems with eddy, you can see the trace at the bottom of this email.

My data is acquired with dual polarity for 64 directions and 10 interleaved b0s. The resolution is 128x128 for a FOV of 22 cm and 2.6 mm thickness. I have 21 slices. 

When I run topup the fieldmap looks right, with the exception that the first and the two last slices don't contain any information. Can this be related with the issue?

The I run eddy using the topup results and both polarity hypervolumes merged (also the bvals and bvecs). Is this right?

Any hint will be helpful.

Best regards,


Reading images

Running Register

Loading prediction maker

Evaluating prediction maker model

Calculating parameter updates

Segmentation violation, Address not mapped, Offending address = 0x501930000

eddy 0x0000000100130ab6 SPLINTERPOLATOR::Splinterpolator<float>::value_at(double const*) const

eddy 0x00000001001012a0 NEWIMAGE::volume<float>::splineinterpolate(float, float, float) const

eddy 0x0000000100101d00 NEWIMAGE::volume<float>::interpolate(float, float, float) const

eddy 0x0000000100050314 void NEWIMAGE::raw_general_transform<float>(NEWIMAGE::volume<float> const&, NEWMAT::Matrix const&, NEWIMAGE::volume4D<float> const&, std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> > const&, std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> > const&, NEWMAT::Matrix const*, NEWMAT::Matrix const*, NEWIMAGE::volume<float>&, NEWIMAGE::volume4D<float>&, NEWIMAGE::volume<char>*)

eddy 0x00000001000511b4 void NEWIMAGE::affine_transform<float>(NEWIMAGE::volume<float> const&, NEWMAT::Matrix const&, NEWIMAGE::volume<float>&, NEWIMAGE::volume<char>&)

eddy 0x0000000100045209 EDDY::ECScan::field_for_model_to_scan_transform(boost::shared_ptr<NEWIMAGE::volume<float> const>, NEWIMAGE::volume<float>*, NEWIMAGE::volume<float>*) const

eddy 0x000000010005a22c EDDY::EddyUtils::transform_model_to_scan_space(NEWIMAGE::volume<float> const&, EDDY::ECScan const&, boost::shared_ptr<NEWIMAGE::volume<float> const>, bool, NEWIMAGE::volume<float>&, NEWIMAGE::volume<float>*, NEWIMAGE::volume4D<float>*)

eddy 0x000000010005cf48 EDDY::EddyUtils::param_update(NEWIMAGE::volume<float> const&, boost::shared_ptr<NEWIMAGE::volume<float> const>, NEWIMAGE::volume<float> const&, EDDY::Parameters, bool, float, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, EDDY::ECScan&, NEWMAT::ColumnVector*)

eddy 0x0000000100006419 EDDY::Register(EDDY::EddyCommandLineOptions const&, EDDY::ScanType, unsigned int, EDDY::SecondLevelECModel, EDDY::ECScanManager&, NEWMAT::Matrix&, NEWMAT::Matrix&)

eddy 0x0000000100007f96 main

eddy 0x0000000100001a48 start

??? 0x000000000000000a 0x0