
I've been having some trouble with fsl_prepare_fieldmap. It worked recently with no problem on the same data, but now it is not working.
I'm running this command (with paths removed):
fsl_prepare_fieldmap SIEMENS FieldMap_Phase.nii.gz FieldMap_Magnitude_brain.nii.gz FieldMap.nii.gz 2.46 --nocheck
I'm getting the following error:
Loading volumes
Phase loaded
Magnitude loaded
Mask loaded
ERROR: input phase image exceeds allowable phase range.
Allowable range is 6.283 radians.  Image range is: 12.548 radians.
Cannot open volume /tmp/fsl_aKdXd6_tmp_ph_radians_unwrapped for reading!
Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image /tmp/fsl_aKdXd6_tmp_ph_rps
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'RBD_COMMON::BaseException'
/opt/fsl/fsl/bin/fsl_prepare_fieldmap: line 195: 25803 Aborted                 (core dumped) $FSLDIR/bin/fugue --loadfmap=${tmpnm}_tmp_ph_rps --mask=${maskim} --savefmap=$outfile
Cannot open volume /home/pipeline/onrc/data/pipeline/S9648CXO/1/APPsad-NonHCPfMRI/analysis/FieldMap for reading!
Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image /tmp/fsl_aKdXd6_tmp_fmapmasked
Cannot open volume /home/pipeline/onrc/data/pipeline/S9648CXO/1/APPsad-NonHCPfMRI/analysis/FieldMap for reading!
Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image /home/pipeline/onrc/data/pipeline/S9648CXO/1/APPsad-NonHCPfMRI/analysis/FieldMap
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'RBD_COMMON::BaseException'
/opt/fsl/fsl/bin/fsl_prepare_fieldmap: line 109: 25810 Aborted                 (core dumped) $FSLDIR/bin/fugue --loadfmap=${outfile} --savefmap=${tmpnm}_tmp_fmapfilt --mask=${maskim} --despike --despikethreshold=2.1
Cannot open volume /tmp/fsl_aKdXd6_tmp_fmapfilt for reading!
Cannot open volume /home/pipeline/onrc/data/pipeline/S9648CXO/1/APPsad-NonHCPfMRI/analysis/FieldMap for reading!
Done. Created /home/pipeline/onrc/data/pipeline/S9648CXO/1/APPsad-NonHCPfMRI/analysis/FieldMap for use with FEAT.