Dear SIMSOC members,
We invite the submission of proposals for poster presentations at the 8th OR Society Simulation Workshop (SW16) on 11-13 April, 2016 at Ettington Chase Hotel, Stratford-Upon-Avon

The poster stream is open to delegates from practice, simulation software development and research.

The SW16 poster session will provide an opportunity to interact with conference attendees, using a standard-size poster as a visual aid. Presenting a poster is also a good way in which to discuss and receive feedback on a research in progress that has not been fully developed into a paper.

Please view submission requirements and instructions below for details.

Submission requirements: Proposals should include a title and an abstract up to 150 words. The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2016.  All submissions of poster proposals must be uploaded to the conference’s online submission system:

Notification: The primary contact on the proposal will be notified if the proposal has been accepted by 21 January 2016.

Registration: All poster session delegates must register and pay to attend the conference.

Poster requirements: Guidelines for poster format can be found on the conference site:
Poster Session: Poster delegates must bring their posters to SW16. Each delegate is given one minute to provide an elevator pitch talk. This is an opportunity to tell other attendees why they should view your poster and come and talk you. Poster delegates are also entered into the best poster competition judged by a prestigious panel of simulation practitioners and academics.
Conference Proceedings: Posters abstracts will be published in the conference proceedings and should follow the guidelines for conference papers.
If you require any further information on the submission process and poster session, please contact the Poster Session Chair, Anastasia Gogi ([log in to unmask])
Sent on behalf of the SW16 organising committee
Anastasia Gogi
Postgraduate Researcher
School of Business and Economics
Loughborough University
Loughborough, LE11 3TU 
Email: [log in to unmask]

Latest paper:
An experimental investigation into the role of simulation models in generating insights