

Dear Radixers,

As co-founder with Maureen, I hope you'll allow me (and forgive me for) abusing this forum for asking you to consider another side of my being-in-the-world. You know me as a curmudeonly science nerd and political activist. There is the grand father side, too, and I've worked with an artist friend to get down on paper a story for my rising 4 year old grandson, Kiran, a story I began telling my daughter when she was seven.

We're experimenting with crowd sourcing in order physically to print copies and get them to people, just covering our costs, while also rising some money for WaterAid and Shelterbox, both of which have been active in Nepal, where I have been workiing.

If the book isn't your cuppa (and there is a free site mentioned on the crown source page where you can see it for free, albeit in low res), might you just forward this message or mention the campaign and it's url address to your friends?

If you have a moment and feel like it, our campaign to fund the printing of hard and soft copies of Sophie Circus Mouse has only 12 days left and is a 'fixed' campaign. If we don't hit the target, then none of the orders and contributions from people are realised (Pay Pal on line transfers are automatically cancelled). We really want to print the book, make the contributions to WaterAid and Shelterbox, and bring some laughter to parents, grand parents, aunts, uncles, friends of libraries, and others. So do you think you can take a moment to share our crowd sourcing url with your network of friends? It's . I thank you, and Sophie thanks you! BEN