

100 Years of Harefield: History of Surgery Events at Harefield Hospital

Harefield Hospital, Hill End Road, Harefield, Middlesex, UB9 6JH

Visit an exhibition of objects, photographs and oral histories across Harefield Hospital's 100 years for the events below. Founded as No. 1 Australian Auxiliary Hospital in the First World War, Harefield today is a specialist heart and lung surgery hospital, well known for its role in transplant surgery since the 1980s. Find out more about the people behind Harefield Hospital in this exhibition.

Saturday 14 November, 12 – 4pm
Drop-in Harefield History Day

Visit the exhibition during our Harefield History Day to explore Harefield Village scrapbooks with local historian Lorraine Piercy. Learn about the history of surgery through regular interactive demonstrations. Find out what surgery was like during the First World War, and what has changed in the last 100 years.

Drop in any time. Demonstrations on the hour, every hour.

Tuesday 24 November, 5.30pm
Talk: Hearts and Minds – Children’s Cardiac Surgery at Harefield

Dr Rosemary Radley-Smith, the first paediatric cardiologist at Harefield Hospital, explains the development of diagnostic investigations and surgery on babies and infants at Harefield Hospital from her own personal experience. Pioneering operations saved the lives of many infants, yet performing surgery on a baby’s heart – the size of a large strawberry – was challenging in the extreme.

The exhibition will be open from 4.30-7pm. Booking not necessary.<>
Dr. Sarah Chaney
Research Associate
UCL Centre for the History of Psychological Disciplines