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Dear all,

Due to several requests addressed to us we have extended the deadline for
submitting papers until November 30th.

We would appreciate if you could pass on this information

Kind Regards,

The Artistic Studies Research Center (CIEBA) of the Faculty of Fine Arts of
Lisbon University (FBAUL) and the Research Centre for Education and
Development (CeiED) of the Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e
Tecnologias (ULHT) invites you to submit a proposal for a paper and/ or an
artwork to the upcoming POST-SCREEN 2016: International Festival of Art,
New Media and Cybercultures to be held in November, in Lisbon, Portugal.


The PSF2016: Intermittence+Interference is focused in the themes of
photography, film, museology and public space, in connection with the idea
of post-screen underlying the festival’s name and purpose, which is to
generate a dialogue between the artistic and technological fields, through
multidisciplinary studies that contribute critically both to research and
artistic practice.

Starting from the three areas already appointed, this project will address
a set of topics related with the media, the proliferation and the unfolding
of images in cyberspace, the new modalities of screens and their
implications in spectatorship and audiences. The substantial increase of
urban screens is also a potential field of investigation and reflection on
new forms of interaction and collaborative environments in public spaces.
The projection of light on urban surfaces arises, largely, as a way to
create spaces for collective critical thought through which the video
serves as a means for communication and not for consumption, often
conveying a sense of political inquiry.

In addition to these aspects, issues related with algorithms, the decoding
of images through different outputs, or the new imagery offered, for
example, by satellite images, or even the possibilities generated by the
virtual reality, are some of the themes to be addressed in this second
edition of the PSF, taking into consideration new proposals and approaches
which may arise during the course of the project.

The topics of interest for submissions include, but are not limited to:

New aesthetics in photography


   Post-photography and hybrid image

   Glitch images and compression aesthetics

   Software, devices and post-production processes

   Rhizomatic networks, algorithms and interfaces

   Archive, memory and transmission

   Digital re-archiving and redistribution

Video, film and television


   Fragmented spectatorship and the internet cinema

   Reframing and remediating moving image in a post-cinematic era

   Ontology and aesthetics of the screen

   Image world in everyday life: waiting, distracted and wired

   Places, sites and installations: artistic endeavours in redefining the

Museological practices and Social Experiences


   Digital archives and its obsolescence

   Community Involvement in public projects

   Repurposing existing mediums

   Memory construction / Memory objects / Memory Spaces

Augmented Urban Spaces


   Media façades and urban screens

   Virtual, Mixed and Augmented Reality: Immersive experiences

   Big data visualization


   Surveillance and Omnipresence


*Deadline 15.November.2015*      Extended Deadline: 30.November.2015

Authors may submit a 2000-2500 words paper to be presented at the

We encourage submissions within a variety of disciplines and fields,
related to Art and Technology, including:


   Art Theory

   Art History


   Art and New Technologies


   Cinema Studies

   Photography Studies

   Screen Studies

   Curatorial Practices

   Media Studies


Papers will be reviewed through a double blind reviewing process by the
Scientific Commission.

For further information please go to:

Helena Ferreira

FCT Research Fellow and PhD Student in Fine Arts | FBAUL

Centro de Investigação e Estudos em Belas-Artes | Artistic Studies Research
Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa | Faculty of Fine Arts
of the University of Lisbon
Largo da Academia Nacional de Belas-Artes, 1249-058 Lisboa
Tlm: +351 964522280 | [log in to unmask]