

*With apologies for cross posting*

Call for papers

TiMeDoc Conference

Time and Memory in Non-fiction Cinema

June 20-22, 2016

Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain

Deadline for proposals: January 29 2016


The TiMeDoc Conference aims to reflect on the temporal and mnemonic dimensions of non-fiction cinema, from creative documentaries and film essays to transmedia interactive documentaries. In light of the rapid transformation of the media landscape and the growing intersection between traditional formats (intended for movie theaters or television screens) and new formats (intended for online distribution on personal computers or mobile devices), it seems necessary to rethink how both personal and collective identities are being reconfigured through non-fiction cinema in its temporal and mnemonic dimensions. These questions also involve a dialogue with approaches stemming from philosophy, historiography and literary theory, from the use of archives—public and personal—in the construction of audiovisual memories to the contribution of cinema to new historiographical trends.

Topics for consideration could include, but are not restricted to:

- Historiography and Documentary Studies

- Temporality in non-fiction cinema: the presentness of observational documentaries, the episodical structures of longitudinal docs, etc.

- Ethics, politics and aesthetics of memory in non-fiction cinema.

- Collective memory, cultural identity, and the conformation of emotional communities through non-fiction cinema.

- Trauma and testimony in documentary films

- Representing the self: autobiographies, diaries, home-movies

- The role of the archive in non-fiction cinema

- False memories in documentary: remembrance, imagination and obliviousness

- Interactive documentaries: new temporalities, immersive experiences and new ways of building memories.

Keynotes speakers
Jane Gaines (Columbia University)
Philip Rosen (Brown University)
Josep María Català (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona)
Vicente Sánchez-Biosca (Universidad de Valencia)

Deadline for proposals: January 29, 2016.

Proposals must be addressed to Efrén Cuevas ([log in to unmask]), and include:

-  a 300 word abstract

-  a brief list of bibliographic references related to the proposal

-  a brief curriculum vitae

Final notification of acceptance will follow in the last week of February.

Best wishes,


Dr. Stefano Odorico

Associate Senior Lecturer in Media

Leeds Trinity University
Dept. of Media, Film and Culture
Room C4 (Concorde)
Tel: 01132837100 ext. 160

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