

That would be typical for ICA of fast TR data.



On 11/2/15, 9:27 PM, "FSL - FMRIB's Software Library on behalf of Aaron
Kucyi" <[log in to unmask] on behalf of [log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I'm very much enjoying the ICA-AROMA tool. It has reliably improved my
>sensitivity in several activation and connectivity analyses. I am now
>trying to apply ICA-AROMA to simultaneous multi-slice (SMS) data that is
>much more rich than typical fMRI datasets, with voxel sizes of 2x2x2 mm
>and a TR of 1 sec (~10 min runs). With default ICA-AROMA settings,
>including automatic dimensionality estimation, I am typically getting
>>100 components. It is not uncommon for the algorithm to then recommend
>>regressing out ~50-80 components, a considerably higher number than than
>>reported by Pruim et al in developing the method. In applying ICA-AROMA
>>to such rich SMS data, do you recommend keeping automatic dimensionality
>>estimation as such or limiting ICA to a fewer number of components?
>Thank you