I have been to Serbia and videoed Professor Dragoslav's talk on Boscovich.

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Boscovich is mostly missed out from Western science.

What I can gather is that the West (USA and UK) mainly ignore history  of Serbia-Croatia area (it has been a war zone). 

the sort of thing as to how West has dealt with Serbs can see

Margaret Thatcher dies – The lady that turned on Serbs

Along with mostly ignoring history in that area, the West mostly ignores the science contributions that has come out of that area.

So unified field theory of Boscovich is ignored by the West.

Now when it comes to science education in these countries it is mostly based on Western science.

And so since that education is based on ignoring Boscovich, they mostly ignore Boscovich as well; with only a few experts there aware; with the excuse that it is only of historical interest.

But then people like Dragoslav have used the theory and applied it.
