

Hi everyone,

Thanks a lot for your answers!

It seems we have two clearly best options. One of them is the slot for SWIB break-out sessions. This is great. It will make it easier to find a place and it's a good signal for the SWIB organizers, that such sessions are useful.

So we have an entry at

Please book that time in the agenda, and put your names there. I was about to do it myself based on Doodle, but realized this may look suspicious - as if we were enrolling people without asking them ;-)
And of course please feel free to modify the description of the session.

Kind regards,

Antoine  & Karen

On 11/6/15 5:17 PM, Antoine Isaac wrote:
> Dear all,
> As you've noticed, we had to cancel a couple of meetings, recently. With the recent publication of our reports, the task group has completed a very important milestone of its charter, and it may be hard to combine it with all our other obligations.
> Karen and I suggest to regroup and think of items we may want to continue working on, in the coming weeks. There is no lack of interesting options fitting the priorities we had identified. Should we want to go on, we need to pick the ones that most will agree with.
> Two years ago, the Semantic Web in Libraries (SWIB) conference has been instrumental in creating this group. We would like to use it again!
> Many of us (Karen, Stefanie, at least two Toms, the entire Europeana R&D team) are attending SWIB 2015 at the end of the month. We could get a representative set of people to discuss as an informal BOF session at the venue or in town, or as an official SWIB break-out session [1].
> We have created a Doodle poll to gather interest and availabilities:
> Please fill it as soon as you can so that we can organize better!
> Kind regards,
> Antoine  & Karen
> [1]