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From: Tracy Morison <[log in to unmask]>
Date: 13 November 2015 19:59:23 AEST
To: "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Research Trainee positions: Human Sciences Research Council; Cape Town/Durban/Pretoria (South Africa)
Reply-To: [log in to unmask]

Dear Colleagues


** This is a great opportunity for postgrads, particularly those close to submission (which we welcome) and/or doing degrees by thesis. ** 


The Human & Social Development unit is currently advertising four Research Trainee positions (two at MA level; two at PhD level). The unit has a number of research themes, and I am especially interested in locating students with an interest in sexualities and reproduction/reproductive justice.


This is a paid internship that provides the opportunity to participate in the unit’s research projects (60% time), while completing a degree (40% time). The posts are in Cape Town, Pretoria, or Durban (South Africa).  NB, not much time before the closing date (23 November).  For more details, click on the links below.


PhD Internships:

MA Internships:


Contact me if you require further information and feel free to share with postgrad students whom you think may be interested.


[Apologies for any cross-posting.]


Kind regards





Dr Tracy Morison

Senior Research Specialist: Human Sciences Research Council

Research Associate:  Dept. of Psychology, Rhodes University

Private Bag X41, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa 

Tel: 27 (12) 302 2302|Skype tracy_morison |Twitter @TracyMorison |



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