Dear SPM users,

I am applying beta series to look at the functional connectivity between frontal and visual association areas in an event-related design. I have 2 task conditions: face and scene, 2 events: delay and probe. In the first-level analysis, I created 4 analysis conditions of interest: face_delay, face_probe, scene_delay, and scene_probe. Data from these conditions were used to calculate the beta series correlations. For the second-level analysis, I've conducted two comparisons:
- Condition comparison: Face>Scene and Scene>Face for delay and probe separately.
- Group conparison: Since I have two subject groups, I also have Group 1> Group 2 and Group 2 > Group 1 for the the face_delay, face_probe and scene_delay and scene_probe conditions separately.

What I am trying to do next is to do a combination of a group comparison and condition comparison such as Group 1> Group 2 for Scene > Face in each event. I'm not sure how to do this since I don't have Scene > Face in the first-level analysis.

Would anyone have any suggestions how to go about doing this analysis?

Thank you.