

Dear colleagues,

I'd like to invite you to join the Research Data MANTRA Forum, which at present is simply an email discussion list.

We are aware that those involved with research data management have sometimes found it useful to point their researchers and students to the MANTRA open educational resource (, and other times have used it for inspiration for customising or creating new learning materials.

I was once told by a librarian that she used some modules in MANTRA and created some herself, and that talking to other people about how they use MANTRA and RDM training materials would be quite useful, hence the idea of the MANTRA Forum for RDM trainers.

So far there are 40 subscribers from 12 countries. Topics so far have been about people's plans for RDM training this autumn, and importing MANTRA into Moodle.

We would welcome your active participation on any relevant topic.

Of course we will also use the list to notify people of MANTRA updates (minor fixes as of 18 Aug) and developments (the latest is that the home page has been made to be mobile-phone friendly).

Use your jiscmail login to join on the landing page,<> -
The list content is private so that people may share ideas without concerns about messages showing up on google. Once a subscriber you can view the archives.


Robin Rice
Data Librarian
EDINA and Data Library
University of Edinburgh

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