

The following short course at the University of Sheffield, School of 
Health and Related Research (ScHARR) might be of interest to some.
The course has been running regularly since 2013, and has recently been 
redesigned to concentrate on more practical aspects of evaluation.

It is focused on evaluations in complex 'real-world' situations, in 
which the evaluator has limited control over the intervention or 
context, and traditional experimental methods are inappropriate. Whilst 
theory-driven approaches, including Realist Evaluation are incorporated 
as methodologically important the main focus is on practical steps to 
designing and conducting a complex evaluation.

  'Real-World' Evaluation: Ten Key Principles for Evaluating Complex
  Health and Social Interventions

    2 day course: Fridays, 8th AND 15th January 2016

£450 - Early Bird Fee for bookings received on or before 30th November 2015.

This course is now live on the online store.

Here is a direct link to the course information:

Here is a direct link to the online store for online bookings/payment:

Dr Steven Ariss FHEA
Senior Research Fellow
Health Services Research
University of Sheffield

Evaluation Lead: NIHR CLAHRC Yorkshire and Humber
Innovation and Knowledge Transfer Lead: Health Services Research
Module Lead: Evaluation Methods for Complex Settings
Associate Editor: Technology and Disability Journal

Innovation Centre
217, Portobello
S1 4DP
Tel: 0114-22-25426

SHort Course: 'Real-World' Evaluation: Ten key principles for evaluating complex health and social interventions
Visit the ScHARR Short Course website for details

Voted number one for student experience
Times Higher Education Student Experience Survey 2014-2015