

Dear Charles,

I believe all but word for word with what you say. Following Sartre, I
donıt use the term ³subconscious² but hey, I agree with use here.

Letıs all articulate!


On 21/10/2015 12:33 pm, "PhD-Design - This list is for discussion of PhD
studies and related research in Design on behalf of Charles Burnette"
<[log in to unmask] on behalf of [log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I believe that preconscious ³feelings² are  subconsciously mediated
>perceptions. Once motivated, Conscious thought may further mediate
>feelings in a way that  enables, say, the appreciation of art, to become
>articulate.  For me, feelings result from subconscious reflection on
>emotional responses and are less primitive instruments of the
>subconscious than emotions.They are more nuanced regarding what an
>emotional response means in a particular situation or context. They
>elevate subconscious thought into the realm of conscious apprehension,
>expression, and communication. We canıt really articulate an aesthetic
>feeling or theory until consciousness arises and articulate thought
>exists - for the subconscious to further mediate through reflective

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