

Is anyone else having trouble downloading articles from the BMJ with OpenAthens? One of our users has been trying to download this article:


I also tried to download it but every time we click on the sign in via OpenAthens we get a “505 gateway timeout” message.


(If anyone in the NHS in England can download and send me a copy that would be great)




Derick Yates – Evidence-Based Practice Tutor

Library & Knowledge Service

Birmingham Women's NHS Foundation Trust
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"Google can bring you back 100,000 answers. A librarian can bring you back the right one." - Neil Gaiman


The BWH library provides you with access to approx 2,500 e-journals.

This includes specialist O&G, Midwifery, Paediatric, Neonatal, Pathology and Genetics titles

You can access these via the e-journals link from our website at

You will need to log in with your Athens username and password to access all titles.