

hi Winnie,

So, two rather different questions, with two rather different answers :)

1) Re local storage monitoring (as the GridPP monitoring plugin used to do).
There's a long and complicated story about this one, which goes back at
least two iterations of the DPM core development team at CERN. Suffice to
say that the original intent of the CERN DPM team was that the dpm nagios
plugins (also referenced in Lukasz' original post) would provide the useful
storage monitoring interface. It is not clear that they do so.
The dmlite-plugins-profiler is a later development (IIRC) also intended to
provide detailed monitoring about the state of a DPM, on the model of the
Xrootd monitoring schema. (It's actually also a component of the HTTP
Deployment Task Force requirements, or at least feeds into them.)
Fabrizio reported on their dashboard here: but has always had his
aim to be a Worldwide DPM/Storage Monitor.
The output is designed to be parsed by an XrdMon (a specialisation of the
GLED system), and I don't see why we couldn't set such a thing up (there's
already one at CERN, as documented in Fabrizio's talk.)

2) Wahid's old Storage Monitoring at that URL ( ) was indeed what I was
referring to, and at the time of writing, it was working(!). Since then,
Wahid's webspace was precipitously removed at Edinburgh, but a replacement
(and mostly working, although I'm still prodding it) is at
(I'm still debugging the storage per spacetoken collection, which seems to
be a bit broken in the revision of the code I have). I wasn't planning on
publicising it until it worked a bit better, but...


On Tue, Oct 13, 2015 at 2:20 PM Winnie Lacesso <[log in to unmask]>

> In tb-support Dr Kreczko asked a good q about storage monitoring:
> Cited
> Good pdf, thanks for the pointer! says dmilite-plugins-profiler can do it -
> is this software in production yet / anywhere?
> But need monitoring backend... is that something gridpp-storage people can
> provide?
> We do need some storage monitoring like the above. Is it in a proverbial
> pipeline somwhere?
> On 20 May 2015 at 09:21, Brian Davies <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >  "who is going to inherit Wahid's monitoring?"
> Dr Skipsey responded:
> > Well, I have the keys to the monitoring stuff, and it's still working,
> so:
> > I've inherited it, but it hasn't needed anything done to it yet.
> Is "it's still working" referring to
> ??? It doesn't seem to be working anymore or do I just not know how to use
> it? (not unlikely!)
> (Remark: with the same cert & version of firefox, on my Mac I can get
> to that page (but can't seem to get any data out of it), but on SL5 get 403
> Forbidden. Can everyone else get to that page?)