

Dear WFTHN-UK/Ireland members,

We're at the end of September which puts us well past the end of summer (though there is a bit of sunshine around still), and we have had two new blog posts recently after our summer hiatus.

The first, and most recent, is by Sarah Culhane (PhD, University of Bristol) on the Vivien Leigh Study Day held at Queen Mary and the re-evaluation of her stardom and the relatively new Vivien Leigh Archive at the Victoria & Albert Museum that includes over 7500 letters and 2000 photos! 

The second post you'll come across is by Deborah Jermyn (Reader, University of Roehampton) on 'What a Half an Hour on Twitter Can Tell Us About Nancy Meyers'. With the release of Meyers' latest film (The Intern) and the more wide media recognition of the low numbers of women directing in Hollywood, there are contradictory claims on Meyers' oeuvre, and many who want to bash it as the worst of the genre. 

Both are compelling reads and you can find them here:

I hope everyone's Autumn has begun well. Pass these forward to anyone who you think might be interested in the Network and encourage them to sign up to the list serve!

Shelley Cobb
Membership officer
University of Southampton