Dear All,

This is a reminder that our discussion session (preceding the visit from Steinberg researchers) will take place tomorrow Weds., 23 Sept. from 11am in room Engineering 329.

For those coming from outside QMUL, let's meet at 10.50 in the engineering foyer (glass door of Engineering on Mile End road).

In case you cannot be there on time, this is a meeting room on the third floor of the Engineering building's  left wing (closer to West Gate / Godward Square on the map). The room is at the very end of the corridor.

Best wishes,

p.s. the Steinberg seminar is scheduled for Monday, 28 Sept. 2-4pm, in Laws 1.12.

Travel information to Queen Mary:

Campus map:

On 18 Sep 2015, at 17:23, George Fazekas wrote:

Dear All,

The discussion about VST and API use / extensions will take place next Weds. 23 Sept. 11-12pm in room Eng. 329.

I will send out directions for those not coming from QM before next week.

Best wishes,

On 17 Sep 2015, at 11:17, George Fazekas wrote:

Hi All,

Few of you already filled in the doodle about the discussion / brainstorming concerning the VST API and research needs to be held next week.

I will keep this open today and pick a date tomorrow. If you are interested please let me know today by entering your name and preferred time using the link below:

This will be followed up by a seminar from Steinberg researchers the following Monday (28 Sept) where we can continue the discussion.

Best wishes,

On 9 Sep 2015, at 10:52, George Fazekas wrote:

Dear All,

There will be a seminar by visitors from Steinberg on Monday 28. Sept. early afternoon (exact time / location TBC). Yvan Grabit (designer of VST API) and Jean-Baptiste Rolland (R&D engineer and MIR researcher) will talk about audio research at Steinberg and the development of VST audio processing and synthesis plugins focussing on VST3.

Please save the date and put this into your calendar if you are interested. There will be an opportunity to ask questions or have a one to one chat with the visitors before or after the seminar. Let me  know if you would like to talk to them.

I'm also organising a discussion session before the visit. This will be about advanced use of VST and possible tight integration of research software with DAWs. It will take place between 22-25 Sept. depending on the availability of most people.

Please fill in the doodle if you'd like to come along:

In the interest of FAST people: both events will take place at QMUL.

Best wishes,

--- Synopsis of the Steinberg seminar ---

Audio Research and Development with VST
Steinberg has been providing music and media production products for musicians and producers of music, video and film since 1984. Today, Steinberg is one of the world's largest manufacturers of audio software and hardware, with more than 1.5 million users worldwide. The Steinberg range of products has long since found world renown in all aspects of modern digital audio processing, and forms the backbone of facilities specializing in areas such as music composition and production, mastering, restoration, broadcast, sound design, and audio post for the film industry. Steinberg also provides business customers with license management and copy protection systems. Audio research triggers innovation, which, with development, makes artists able to define tomorrow's audio industry. This is becoming more and more prominenet in the Music industry, but also in Cinema and Video Games that represent today's main entertainments. During this presentation, the guests will talk about creating an audio plugin, from research to development, focussing primarily of using the new Virtual Studio Technology 3 (VST3) API. The speakers will be able to answer questions related to audio plugin development, VST and broader questions about the computer music industry.

About the Guests:

* Yvan Grabit is Technical Leader at Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. Yvan has been working at Steinberg for more than 18 years. He is one of the authors of VST3, the technology powering standard audio plugins. Also, he is the Leader of the Steinberg's Research Team in Hamburg. In his spare time, he plays the drums.

* Jean-Baptiste Rolland is a Research Software Developer at Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH. Jean-Baptiste is a member of Steinberg's Research Team in Hamburg, mainly working on Audio Algorithms and Music Information Retrieval. He is also a classical percussionist and music composer after work.