Hi all
You may remember that at the beginning of the year I sent you all an email celebrating the fact that Henryson was to appear in the Festival of Dunfermline, which heretofore had been totally monopolised by Robert the Bruce (who admittedly has a more tangible connection with the town in the shape of his heartless corpse in the Abbey). Anyway, such was the resounding silence over the intervening months that I was convinced the event was not going to happen, or that we were not going to be a part of it, to the extent that I had booked myself a matinee performance of David Greig's Pyrenees at Pitlochry Festival Theatre for this Saturday.
However, Fate was duly tempted, as I was informed that there was a 45-minute slot booked for the Henryson dramatization (I had been rather over-dramatic with what I thought could be offered when it was so far away), and that there had been expressions of interest from members of the Dunfermline public! Where they found the information is beyond me, as I have searched every website I could think of, and have not been able to find anything approximating a programme.
Anyhoo, poet and erstwhile chair of the RHS Colin Donati and I and perhaps A N Other will be doing some staged readings from some of the more accessible Fables, and possibly the Short Poems, and we would be delighted to see anyone you who happen to be in the neighbourhood of Dunfermline Glen (specifically the cabaret tent in front of Pittencrieff House) between 12.15 and 1.00 on Saturday 12 September.
Sorry for the short notice, but you're getting almost as much as I did.😀