

Hi all

Please see below for the minutes from last week’s AGM in Exeter. Thanks to those who attend and to Matej for taking the minutes



Participatory Geographies Research Group


Annual General Meeting


Thursday 3rd September 2015, 1440-1620

University of Exeter, Peter Chalk building, Rooms 1.2 and 1.3


Draft Minutes


In attendance:

Sam Halvorsen, Secretary, Sheffield University

Kye Askins, Librarian, University of Glasgow

Matej Blazek, Dissertation Prize Coordinator, Loughborough University

Gerald Taylor Aiken, University of Luxembourg

Bridget Holtom, University of Glasgow

Abdou Ndow, RG Guest, Glasgow

Dorothea Kleine, RHUL

Jayne Jeffries, Newcastle University

Elisabeth van Overbeeke, University of Waterloo


1.   Summary of achievements and events in 2014-15:

a.    Julien’s map

b.    Away weekend

c.    Welcome events in London and Sheffield

d.    Regular blogs


2.   Committee


There are three open vacancies for committee positions: Activist/Community Liaison, Postgraduate Representative, Website-Coordinator (to work with Anne Toomey). In addition, there is a scope for including Ordinary Members on the committee to act in an advisory/ad hoc role.


At the moment, Chair, Secretary and Treasurer hold regular Skype meetings, and issues are discussed with other committee members or other individuals as and when relevant. Questions were raised how the wider committee could/should be involved in the regular business. KA will draft an email on this, first to the other committee members, then to be circulated to the mailing list.



3.   Plans for 2015-16


a.    2016 Away weekend


We are looking for organisers and programme. Preferably in the Southeast or other regions where it has not taken place before (Scotland), ideally close to an international airport. Proposed date: 27.-29.5.2015 (the late May bank holiday).


b.    Expanding website with more resources and library sections and blogs


A list of selected readings is available on the website, as is a CC licensed lecture on participatory methods. KA acts as a librarian – to be contacted if anyone interested in the readings cannot access them.


Peter North volunteered to set up a PyGyRG account on where papers (e.g. pre-published drafts) can be added to make up a “library”.


c.    Developing worksheets of different types of participatory methods/approaches


Discussion about compiling a resources sheet with different methods/approaches and contacts that could serve as an introductory pointer. No action taken.


d.    Welcome events


After the success in Sheffield and London, it might be worth organising further events elsewhere. They are relatively easy to put together and do not require much (or any) funding. Anyone interested can contact Jenny Pickerill or Sam Halvorsen for reflections from organising the events.


e.    Writing retreat


Some research groups (SCGRG) run these successfully, while others run similar events (e.g. GFRG has a reading retreat). GTA expressed interest in organising one, anyone else interested can contact the committee for help.


f.     Finances


Various possibilities of securing future funding were discussed, including producing (collectively) a book with royalties forwarded to the research group; exploring the possibility of an RGS-IBG prize that would be dedicated to participatory geographies; or a conference/event to generate funding. No action taken.



4.   Masters Dissertation Prize


Four submissions received for 2013/14, three of them from the same institution. With concerns about effects of the late advertising, no prize will be given for 2013/14. For 2014/15, the advert is in the official RGS-IBG call and was sent out to all geography departments in the UK. Additionally, MB will circulate a reminder in the late September and will contact directly institutions where Masters programmes are held. Deadline is 30.11.2015.


The prize to be reviewed for 2015/16 in the light of the response we will get, e.g. withdrawing the 1st Class requirement, including UG dissertations or specifying the meaning of “participatory” work.



5.   Research Group grant applications for the 2015/16 academic year


Discussion about possible sources of grants, and potential beneficiaries. No concrete proposals.


6.   PyGyRG publication updates


A themed section of Area on “practising participatory geographies” (Eds: Sophie Wynne-Jones, Peter North and Paul Routledge) was published in the spring. The editorial includes an outline of the work and principles of the PyGyRG.


7.   RGS-IBG AC 2016


Next AC will take place in London, 30.8.-2.9.2016. The topic is “Nexus Thinking”. More information should follow in October 2015.


Low attendance at the 2015 AGM: several apologies were received and there seems to be an overall lower attendance in Exeter, but some people questioned scheduling the AGM in one of the regular slots, where other sessions might attract potential attendees.


DK suggested organising, ideally with other research groups, a soapbox event on participatory geography, as a response to the increasing number of groups hosting progressive and critical approaches (RACE being the newest, see point 9) and as a way of establishing connections and strengthening dialogue. Ideally, the event would take place at the beginning of the conference.


There was a discussion about a possible PyGyRG plenary lecture/event, possibly co-organised with other research groups. There are concerns about the “traditional” format of a one-sided presentation and suggestions are welcome for alternatives/subversions. It was agreed that although it would be good to have the event open to non-academics, it is our intention to speak critically to the “mainstream” of the discipline, not create a space outside the main conference. Ideas about the speakers include Caitlin Cahill (appeal to the work of various research groups, funding might be a problem) and non-academic/activist speakers.




8.   AOB


A new Working Group on Race, Culture and Equality (RACE) is being proposed to the

RGS-IBG. Support to the application is sought and anyone interested can contact Richard Baxter ([log in to unmask]), Secretary.



9.   Next AGM


The AGM will be held at the RGS-IBG Annual Conference, London, Tuesday 30 August to Friday 2 September 2016.
