Apologies for cross-posting


Dear all


In response to an enquiry about RFID procurement sent to LIS-E-RESOURCES earlier today my wife reminded subscribers that there is already a list dedicated to the use of RFID in libraries. In fact there are at least two (one on either side of the Atlantic).


Since then LIB-RFID has seen a sudden spurt in new subscribers so I thought it might be timely if I issued a reminder to some other lists.


The UK list can be found at https://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A0=LIB-RFID-UK while its American counterpart, run by the excellent Margaret Hazel, can be found at http://listsmart.osl.state.or.us/mailman/listinfo/rfid_lib. Please join if you have any interest, concerns or information to share about the growing use of this technology in libraries (including NFC and smartphone applications).


Today would be an especially good day to do so as there will be a major announcement about a new UK industry initiative (concerning both LMS and RFID suppliers) tomorrow.


Thanks for your time.




List co-owner LIB-RFID


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