Dear Geo-Tectonics mail list: Please forward the following job announcement to anyone you think might be interested in and qualified for the position. thank you!


The EarthScope National Office, which is now headquartered at University of Alaska Fairbanks, is hiring an Education & Outreach specialist. The main duties of the job include creating publications and digital media, creating and coordinating education activities for teachers and students, and assisting with workshops. A large component of the outreach effort is keeping the website up to date, including generating content. The job thus requires writing, recruiting and editing freelance work, preparing for and traveling to represent EarthScope at national conferences, and generating new ideas for outreach.

While a master’s degree in Earth Sciences or in science education is desired, we are accepting applicants with qualifications and experience in the work described. Experience in writing and website maintenance is required. This person will serve as the ESNO Education & Outreach point of contact, and must be able to communicate effectively and work in a team.

The position will be based in Fairbanks, Alaska. This is a 4-year position with full benefits. Salary range is $50–$62K, commensurate with applicant’s experience. The position will remain open until filled, but we are eager to have our new staff member start as soon as possible.

The full job posting and further information can be found at:

The EarthScope National Office team is:

Jeff Freymueller, ESNO Director, [log in to unmask]

Elisabeth Nadin, ESNO Associate Director for E&O, [log in to unmask]

David Fee, [log in to unmask]

Jessica Larsen, [log in to unmask]

Carl Tape, [log in to unmask]