

Hello Danaele,
			   The link is to (very) old documentation. The current version of bedpostx works with either SGE or CUDA - see

for more information on setting up SGE on your system.

Kind Regards

> Dear experts,
> I try to parallelise bedpostx in order to obtain bedpostx results faster.
> So I have followed the FSL Tutorial - Parallelising bedpost :
> I set environment variables FSLMACHINELIST and FSLREMOTECALL like that :
> setenv FSLMACHINELIST “mymachine mymachine mymachine”
> setenv FSLREMOTECALL ssh
> Moreover, I have a file called in this place : ${HOME}/.fslconf/
> In this file I set the environment variable FSLDIR to my FSL directory.
> Also I'm a tcsh user, so I have created a file fsl.csh in the same directory and I did the same thing : set the environment variable FSLDIR to my FSL directory.
> At this point, I have followed the tutorial and bedpost should be parallelised.
> But when I execute the command bedpostx in my data directory but nothing is parallelised.
> Furthermore, if I am connected to another machine (for example “myothermachine”) and I want to execute bedpost in mymachine with the environment variables set to the same values, the command bedpostx is executed in myothermachine and not parallelised too.
> So, I think bedpostx never tried to be connected to another machine with shh.
> If someone has already meet this problem or/and found a solution, please explain me. Or if someone have another solution to parallelise bedpost, I am really interested and that could be very helpful for me!
> Thank you,
> Best regards,
> Danaele Puechmaille