

Dear Sandie,

Thank you for your response! I will check in my college and if it is possible , I will be back to you. It is also possible to open a Facebook group and to upload our bios and list of interests.



*Professor Mila Schwartz*

Head of Language Department, MA Program
Department of Research and Evaluation Authority
Oranim Academic College of Education

2011 book: Current Issues in Bilingualism: Cognitive and Socio-linguistic
New 2013 book:Successful Family Language Policy: Parents, Children and
Educators in Interaction


On 22 September 2015 at 16:28, Sandie Mourão <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear Mila,

Apologies for not responding to this immediately, missed it and then became overwhelmed with work. 

The idea of a brief bio (up to 150 words) and research interests for the Multilingual Childhoods SIG is an excellent idea and something we had planned when we set up this JISCmail discussion list. In fact around 20 people have sent similar information to Elena Tkachenko, who was involved in creating this list when it began in July 2014. We've struggled with being able to set up an online space for this which is user friendly and which we have time to update.  This is when I wish I had a secretary who I could ask nicely to do this kind of thing :-)  

If anyone has any ideas, or a university or an institution that would be willing to set up and help us run a website, free of charge, then please do let me know. Nothing complicated. I will also look into it.

Life is one big wish!


Sandie Mourão (PhD) -
Out now!
Robinson, P., Mourão, S. & Kang, N.J. (2015) English Learning Areas in Preschool Classrooms: an investigation of their effectiveness in supporting EFL development, London: British Council.  

Mourão, S. & Lourenço, M. (Eds.) 2015 Early Years Second Language Education: International Perspectives on Theories and Practice. Abingdon: Routledge.
Vol 3.1 May 2015
Children's Literature in English Language Education (CLELEjournal)

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 8:06 AM, Mila Schwartz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear Sandie and Gunhild,

Thank you for the updating! I propose to add a brief bio (up to 150 words) and research interests for our SIG members. What do you think?



*Professor Mila Schwartz*

Head of Language Department, MA Program
Department of Research and Evaluation Authority
Oranim Academic College of Education

2011 book: Current Issues in Bilingualism: Cognitive and Socio-linguistic
New 2013 book:Successful Family Language Policy: Parents, Children and
Educators in Interaction


On 15 September 2015 at 00:27, Sandie Mourão <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Dear all,

As I promised yesterday I am getting back to you all with the minutes of the Multilingual Childhoods SIG meeting. If you do open the document you'll see we had just over 31 participants with us, representing 13 countries and a wide variety of interests in researching small children and languages.  Wonderful!

Several SIG members are already on this list and will have been at the meeting, but if you would like to join us and are willing to become an EECERA member / or are already, please do let Gunhild Alstad or I know and we can add you to the official list.

You will also see from the minutes that the Multilingual Childhoods SIG are hoping to organise a one-day pre-conference Event at the next EECERA conference, which will be held in Dublin, Ireland. Watch this space for further details. 

Our next encounter however, will be in Rome, at the Issues of Multilingualism in Early Childhood Education in November. If you've missed information about this, here's the website:  - early bird registration ends today. So if you want to attend at  a slightly cheaper rate, get your skates on :-) 

The prgramme will be ready at the end of September, there are around 40 papers from 23 countries,  including Europe, Australia, Israel and the United Arab Emirates. The conference opens at 09.00 on Thursday 26 November and closes at 18.00 on Friday 27 November. Two full days of presentations. It will be lovely see familiar faces and meet new ones. I hope to see many of you on this list there. 

Meanwhile do spread the word to colleagues about this list, the EECERA Multilingual Childhoods SIG and the conference in Rome, if you haven't already!

My very best wishes,


Sandie Mourão (PhD) -
Out now!
Robinson, P., Mourão, S. & Kang, N.J. (2015) English Learning Areas in Preschool Classrooms: an investigation of their effectiveness in supporting EFL development, London: British Council.  

Mourão, S. & Lourenço, M. (Eds.) 2015 Early Years Second Language Education: International Perspectives on Theories and Practice. Abingdon: Routledge.
Vol 3.1 May 2015
Children's Literature in English Language Education (CLELEjournal)