

Hi Pete, 

I work for NHS. So might be able to help you. Can you please send me a copy of your book. My nhs email : [log in to unmask]
Thank you and let me know if I can help you with your project. 


> On 17 Sep 2015, at 12:44, peter andrews <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> Dear all
> My book Bike Healthy: How Cycling Will Help You Look Good Feel Good & Quite Possibly Live Longer, was published earlier this year. Several members of this forum contributed ideas and I am extremely grateful!
> I'm here again asking for your input relating to my next project. I am currently looking at how employers have accommodated cyclists, both in terms of good facilities, and also by promoting and encouraging cycle commuting.
> I am looking for examples of good practice at employers, large or small, private or public sector, in the UK. It might be a single innovative measure that an employer has introduced, a programme of activities, a generous incentive, or a great facility that they have created. Can you help?
> GlaxoSmithKline in West London has been the cyclist's pin-up for several years, but I'm sure there are many other contenders out there. If you know of a cycle-friendly employer and, ideally, have a contact's name that you are able to share I would be most grateful.
> Best regards
> Peter Andrews
> (P.S. If you work for a UK local authority or the NHS (that means a or a .nhs e-mail address) you’re welcome to a free copy of Bike Healthy. Please e-mail me.)