

Thanks everyone, it worked. Sorry for not seeing the obvious. This is the first time I am working from the terminal. So I am still getting used to it.



On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 4:44 PM, Engin Özkan <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Also, I just saw your file from your second email, and you seem to have commented out MOLECULE 2. I am not sure why you'd do that.



I assume you are measuring shape complementarity between molecule 1 (which is in chain A) and molecule 2 (which is in chain B).


On 9/29/15 3:02 PM, NISHANT SINGH wrote:
Hi again,

I tried running only "sc" without any command line arguments and I the correct output (ends with Number of radii read from sc_radii file: 79). 

I also gave a relative path to the sc_radii.lib file. I tried testing the script interactively, but I wasn't sure what commands to type, so I put in everything after the sc xyzin line in the attached script, which also didn't work. (Was I using the wrong commands?)

I added "env | grep CCP4" at the beginning of the script (it was uncommented previously) but I dont think the output got any better. 

i am attaching a screenshot of the output and the script with this email.

Thanks for the help guys, much appreciate it.


Nishant Kumar Singh

On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 3:20 PM, Edward A. Berry <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
For whatever it is worth, the file in question is at $CLIB/data/sc_radii.lib
I don't have the latest ccp4, but what I get just running "sc" with no
command line arguments is:

FORMATTED      OLD     file opened on unit   7
Logical name: SCRADII, Filename: /sw/lnx/ccp4-6.4.0/lib/data/sc_radii.lib

 Number of radii read from sc_radii file:   79

 Opening PDB input file with logical name XYZIN
  (which fails since XYZin is not defined)

Engin's script is for if you have copied sc_radii to the current directory,
presumably to customize it.
If you left that off and it still doesn't find sc_radii,
maybe you have not set up your environment for running
from the command line.
If you just type "sc" with no arguments and you don't get:
   Number of radii read from sc_radii file:   79
then this is probably the case. Or you have found a bug in the program.

Then you need to first source one of the setup files
You can figure out what $CCP4 is by noticing when you start ccp4i:
Top level CCP4 directory is /sw/lnx/ccp4-6.4.0

On 09/29/2015 02:43 PM, Phil Jeffrey wrote:
One central dogma of Unix:
no matter how apparently absurd the error message, it's literally true.

 > File: "./sc_radii.lib"
 > Cannot be opened for reading

So, the file sc_radii.lib cannot be found in the current directory (i.e.
".") in whatever context you're running in. I rather strongly suggest
that the missing file is the literal truth here.

For the rest of the errors, the first clue is:
 >   sc:  Use: <logical name> <file name>

Are you using the CCP4 standard method of:

sc xyzin my_file.pdb

or did you leave the xyzin part out ?  xyzin is not a file name, it's
the logical unit name to which the file name becomes associated. It's a
*lot* easier to debug if you include the (part of the) script you're
actually using and not make us guess.

Phil Jeffrey

On 9/29/15 2:30 PM, NISHANT SINGH wrote:
Hi Engin,

I created the file as you mentioned earlier, but I am having some
problems with it. If I keep the "./sc_radii.lib" portion, I get the
following error message:

File: "./sc_radii.lib"

Cannot be opened for reading

CCP4 library signal ccp4_general:Cannot find input file (Error)

raised in ccp4setenv <<<<<<

Last system error message: No such file or directory

  sc:  Cannot find input file

  sc:  Cannot find input file

Times: User:       0.0s System:    0.0s Elapsed:     0:00

I also tried removing the sc_radii.lib section, and I got the following
error message:

CCP4 library signal ccp4_general:Use: <logical name> <file name> (Error)

raised in ccp4fyp <<<<<<

  sc:  Use: <logical name> <file name>

  sc:  Use: <logical name> <file name>

Times: User:       0.0s System:    0.0s Elapsed:     0:00

./ line 5: MOLECULE: command not found

./ line 6: CHAIN: command not found

./ line 7: CHAIN: command not found

./ line 10: END: command not found

./ line 11: eof: command not found