************************************************ This SIGIR-IRList message and the SIG-IRList Digest (a moderated IR newsletter), are brought to you by SIGIR, distributed from the University of Sheffield and edited by Claudia Hauff ([log in to unmask]). o To submit an article, e-mail [log in to unmask] o To subscribe, send mail to [log in to unmask] , with the subject: SUBSCRIBE irlist firstname lastname o To unsubscribe, send mail to [log in to unmask], with the subject: UNSUBSCRIBE irlist YourEmailAddressHere [The email address is required only if you want to unsubscribe with an address other than the address with which you send the message] o For more info, visit: http://www.sigir.org/sigirlist/ These files are not to be sold or used for commercial purposes. THE OPINIONS EXPRESSED WITHIN THIS DOCUMENT DO NOT REPRESENT THOSE OF THE EDITOR, THE DELFT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY OR THE UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD. AUTHORS ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR MATERIAL.