Dear Enrique,

If you do imaging source reconstruction or use the 'IMG' option in DCM, SPM will generate a -mat file whose name starts with 'SPMgainmatrix...'. You can replace the lead fields in this file with your own and re-run the analysis. For analyses using single dipoles it is not possible to replace the lead field as it is computed on the fly.

You can use your own surfaces in GIfTI format via the batch tool 'Head model specification'->'Meshes'->'Mesh source'->'Custom meshes'

Your own electrode location files can be loaded via the 'Prepare' tool. See the manual for details.



On Fri, Aug 14, 2015 at 8:30 PM, Enrique Garcia <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Hello to everyone,

I´m working with SPM, and I feel i´m stuck with this problem.

I want to import my own Leadfield to some EEG register in order to do Source Reconstruction and DCM.  I want to know what is the format that the LeadField should have in order to allow me import it in SPM. And also where i can do this action

In case that this is not possible, I would be very helpful to know how can i import my own surfaces. And also my own electrodes templates.

Any tutorial, guide or tip will be very useful. In case that you need more information about this issue, please let me know.

Thank you very much.
