Dear Rebecca,

I'm not sure what the problem is but in general the spm2fieldtrip function is not really necessary. I suggest you try:

D = spm_eeg_load;
freq = D.fttimelock;

There are additional arguments to fttimelock that make it possible to only select a subset of the data to convert. Do 'help meeg/fttimelock' for details.  ftraw method doesn't work for time-frequency data and I suspect that's the source of your problems.



On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 1:07 PM, Rebecca Beresford <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Dear Vladimir,


I was wondering if you could help me with something – Rik advised that I contact you as he’s unfamiliar with Fieldtrip.


I’m trying to run a fieldtrip non-parametric analysis on Time Frequency data, to look at effects between two conditions over time, frequency and channel. I have attached the current script to aid with explanation of the issue.


The initial analysis was performed using SPM12 and a new file was created per condition (e.g. ‘1mretf_Mspm12…’) for condition 1 (prefix altered based on condition) [ lines 77:94 in attached script, also below]


(for c = 1:2; %length(condprefix)

    for p = 1:length(cbu_codes{g});

        sub_wd = fullfile(bas_wd,expts{e},groups{g},cbu_codes{g}{p});

        for r = 1;

            ofnam = sprintf('%s%s_%s',expts{e}, runs{r}, basefile);

            infile = fullfile(sub_wd,sprintf('%sspm12_%s.mat',ana,ofnam));

            D = spm_eeg_load(infile);


            % create different files per condition

            S = [];

            S.D = D;

            S.c = cons{g}{e}.wgts(c,:);

            S.label = condprefix{c};

            S.prefix = condprefix{c};

            D = spm_eeg_contrast(S);





The spm2fieldtrip function was then performed [lines 101:113] however this fails due to insufficient input

(for c = 1:length(condprefix); %condition 1

    for p = 1:length(cbu_codes{g});

%         for m = 1:length(modalities);

            sub_wd = fullfile(bas_wd, expts{e}, groups{g}, cbu_codes{g}{p});

            filename = fullfile(sub_wd,sprintf('%s%sspm12_%s%s_%s.mat', condprefix{c} ,ana, expts{e}, runs{r}, basefile));

            filename_load = spm_eeg_load(filename);

            D = spm2fieldtrip(filename_load);

%             D = spm2fieldtrip(filename_load, modalities{m});


            Cond{c}{p} = D;

%         end




“Error using meeg/ftraw (line 15)

Not enough input arguments.


Error in meeg/subsref (line 112)

                varargout = {feval(subs(1).subs, this, subs(2).subs{:})};


Error in spm2fieldtrip (line 30)

data = D.ftraw(0);”


However, when I attempt to add other input arguments (such as modality) e.g.

(for c = 1:length(condprefix); %condition 1

    for p = 1:length(cbu_codes{g});

          for m = 1:length(modalities);

            sub_wd = fullfile(bas_wd, expts{e}, groups{g}, cbu_codes{g}{p});

            filename = fullfile(sub_wd,sprintf('%s%sspm12_%s%s_%s.mat', condprefix{c} ,ana, expts{e}, runs{r}, basefile));

            filename_load = spm_eeg_load(filename);

%            D = spm2fieldtrip(filename_load);

            D = spm2fieldtrip(filename_load, modalities{m});


            Cond{c}{p} = D;





I get the error:

“Error using spm2fieldtrip

Too many input arguments.”


I have performed this spm2fieldtrip function before on data averaged over frequency and it successfully worked; I’m not sure why it fails this time.

Your help with this would be greatly appreciated!


Best wishes


Rebecca Beresford.




Rebecca Beresford

PhD Student

MRC Cognition & Brain Sciences Unit
15 Chaucer Road
Cambridge, CB2 7EF

EMAIL:  [log in to unmask] 
TEL     +44 (0)1223 273 664