




ALISS  Visit to British Library for Development Studies at the Institute of Development Studies 8th September, 2pm



ALISS (Association of Librarians and Information professionals in the Social Sciences).  Http:// are pleased to announce an opportunity to visit the 


The British Library for Development Studies (BLDS) holds Europe's largest research collection on economic and social development. Over half the collection originates from developing countries and much of this is unavailable in other European or US libraries.

BLDS supports teaching, learning and research into development issues and works to raise the profile of research published in the global South and to ensure that it is accessible to all users. Working with Southern partners on digitising Southern research collections and making them available in an open repository is a core element of this, alongside indexing Southern journals and a document delivery service which is free to those in low income countries.


The visit will last approximately 2 – hours. The visit will include an introduction to services, chance to meet staff and hear apbout blds open acces and e-resources

The library is located in Brighton.


Institute of Development Studies
at the University of Sussex, Brighton BN1 9RE


Tel: +44 (0)1273 915660



There is no charge for aliss members

Non members £5



To  reserve a place please contact:


Heather Dawson

ALISS Secretary

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British Library of Political and Economic Science

10 Portugal Street
