

Dear FSL experts,


I am working the between-network connectivity with FSLNets and have some questions about the nets hierarchy algorithm:

After computing the group-average netmat summaries (T-maps and then, Z transformation), I got my nice  nets-hierarchy matrix. According to the description, I should be able to  associate the different branches of the tree with large-scale brain networks from the literature.  I was wondering if this association could only be seen in the full correlation analyses because my partial correlation yields different results. I used a partial correlation because I thought it is better to take into account the shared variance between components.

The second question is: In case the partial correlation is a valid way to go on, is it also more informative to try to correlate the partial correlation coefficient with certain behavioral score to see the modulation of this score in the between-network analysis? Or should I stick to the full correlation coefficient from the beginning?


Thanks a lot for your attention


Yacila Deza Araujo, M.Sc. Neuropsych.
PhD Student

Technische Universität Dresden
Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus
Department of Psychiatry & Psychotherapy
Section of Systems Neuroscience

Würzburger Straße 35
01187 Dresden

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