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Call for contributions  / Save the date

Deadline for the submission of proposals: 3rd Sept 2015

Inline images 1

(TIN) TransDisciplinary Improvisation Network

An international research group for improvisation


Middlesex University

School of Media and Performing Arts, London



What’s in a Name?

Friday 23rd & Saturday 24th Oct, 2015


You are invited to join us for a symposium investigating improvisation across disciplines.


Improvisation is a long–standing practice that is central to the processes of many performance forms with well-established practices and associated discourses. More recently the significance of improvisation has been recognised in contexts beyond the arts, including for example design, education, therapy and management, making this a dynamic and emergent field of research.


Strongly grounded in the creative arts and led by expert improvisers this event will be an opportunity to articulate and elaborate practices and contribute to the emerging critical discourses of all things improvisatory, refining understandings of creative approaches, terminologies and significances.


The day will include key note presentations, papers by leading researchers/artists, workshops, performances and open research spaces for shared creative dialogue, such that we use the modalities of the improvised (and the various practices we bring) as a way to consider the nature, benefits and problematics of improvisation.


Guest Key Note Presentations:

David Toop, Professor of Audio Culture and Improvisation  -

Sondra Fraleigh, Professor emeritus and Dance Artist/Writer -


We invite proposals for contributions in a range of modes and formats including but not limited to: papers, workshops, lecture demonstrations, and performative interventions.


Proposals are invited that address the nature of improvisation as a highly rigorous process that can be considered as an essential part of creativity, innovation and human existence. As such it might be that improvisation can be understood both within and beyond performing arts frameworks, to discourses in which human agency—our ability to adapt, communicate and respond to our environment—become the concern and the processes and strategies of improvisation are uncovered.


Please include the following when submitting a proposal:
Name(s) of contributors
Email contact address
Title of proposal
Indication of presentation type (NB. papers will generally be 20mins duration and workshops approx. 1.5 hours)
Outline proposal (250 words max)
Indication of any technical or space requirements (NB due to the nature of the event we are not able to offer technical support for full scale performances).


Key dates for the conference:
Deadline for the submission of proposals: 3rd Sept 2015
Notification of acceptance:  20th Sept 2015
Registration opens:  3rd Sept 2015


Proposals should be submitted to Mita Vaghji:  [log in to unmask]


Registration fees:

£75 (waged/ institution) and £45 (unwaged/freelance artist/student)

(NB. All presenters need to register)


Informal inquiries can be directed to the conference conveners:
Vida Midgelow:  [log in to unmask]
Helen Kindred:  [log in to unmask]


We hope you will join us as we expand the improvisatory field,


Vida Midgelow


Vida L Midgelow PhD
Prof, Dance and Choreographic Practices
Director of Research Degrees

School of Media and Performing Arts
Middlesex University,
The Burroughs,
NW4 4BT,

Co-Editor, Choreographic Practices
Co-Director, Choreographic Lab

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