Dear All,

The next meeting of the Charcoal and Wood Workgroup will be held at the University of York (kindly hosted by the Environment Department) on Sunday 4th October 2015.  This follows the Archaeobotanical Workgroup meeting on the Saturday (hosted at the Archaeology Department by Hayley McParland) so that people who wish may attend both. 

The meeting will follow the usual format, with talks/discussion in the morning and a microscope session in the afternoon. 
Steve Allen, Wood Technologist at York Archaeological Trust, has kindly agreed to run a session looking at aspects of wood recording and recognising technological evidence.  There will be also an opportunity to bring your own material for a second opinion at the microscope session.

If anyone has any other topics for discussion that they would like to raise (or specific requests to Steve for issues they would like covered), please let me know so that I can incorporate it into the programme.
Please could you reply to me (off-list) if you are interested in attending, so that we have an idea of numbers.  I will send out further details in due course.
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Best wishes

Dana Challinor

Institute of Archaeology, University of Oxford
St Cross College, University of Oxford