

Dear all,

With many apologies in advance (both for repetition and cross-postings), please find attached here the correct version of the new charcoal paper published as an OnlineFirst paper in The Holocene; there was a mistake with the citation info of the .pdf file I had circulated a few days ago, which has now been corrected by the Holocene editorial team. The paper will be out as a part of a special issue on the Anthropocene in the longue duree in October 2015. Here you can find more details about this workshop (organised by Arlene Rosen and colleagues at the University of Texas at Austin) and the range of contributions which will appear in this Holocene special issue:

So please disregard the version I previously circulated and keep this one instead.

With best wishes,


Dr. Eleni Asouti
Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology,
University of Liverpool
12-14 Abercromby Square
Liverpool L69 7WZ, UK

Tel: (+44) 151 79 45284
E-mail: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Personal website:
Profile @Google Scholar: Eleni Asouti<>
Profile @ResearchGate: