


I'm trying to create a design matrix for the 1st level analysis for an MRI experiment. In the 'Specify 1st Level' page I've used 'multiple conditions' to load a .mat file to load durations/onsets/names for 8 conditions + 4 parametric modulators (1 for each of the first 4 conditions). I've also loaded the 6 movement parameters in as regressors. There are 5 sessions in the data, all with the same set of conditions/pmods/regressors. I've also included 'Time and Disperson' derivatives.

When I run 'Estimate' SPM produces 215 Beta images. It also appears that there are 215 columns in the design matrix. I re-ran the 1st level with just the first session specified, and got 43 columns in the design matrix (i.e. 215/5). In both cases SPM only reports there being 8 conditions per session (via Review. Design>Explore>SessionX>). 

I was only expecting 14 columns for the design matrix per session (8 conditions + 6 regressors). Is there a way of getting a list of what all the columns on the design matrix relate to (not possible to see from the greyscale image of the design matrix)? Have I done something wrong to so may columns per session? I've attached the .mat batch file for the 1st level specification
