

Dear Mohit,

Some of the segmentation algorithms start with an initial coregistration step to a certain template, e.g. the T1 image, to roughly align the raw data with MNI space. This might be the case with VBM8 as well.

Now, according to the error message the script tries to find the T1 template in a folder called spm8/toolbox/OldNorm/. There's no folder "OldNorm" in SPM8 though, only in SPM12. In SPM8 the T1 template is stored in spm8/templates. Thus it seems you rely on the SPM12-compatible version of VBM8, which is not meant to work with SPM8 though.

So either turn to an appropriate VBM8 version for SPM8, which would be r435 from , or run the SPM12-compatible version of VBM8 with SPM12.

Hope this solves the issue
