

Dear Danielle,

the error you get is due to an incompatibility between SPM and recent
MATLAB versions (R2014b onwards), which I hope to have fixed in the
attached version of spm_input.m.

Many thanks,

On 22/07/15 13:41, D. Hewitt wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have completed GLM analysis on fMRI data. I am currently trying to specify eigenvariates for VOIs to use for PPI. My VOIs are amygdala and bilateral ventral striatum. I have loaded the contrast for my condition of interest where I expect to find these areas activated, and have inputted MRI coordinates for each region one at a time. When I press eigenvariate, it asks me if I want to adjust for the effects of interest, and then to name my VOI, but then I get this error message:
> "Error using uicontrol
> While setting the 'Max' property of UIControl:
> Value must be numeric or logical.
> Error in spm_input (line 1286)
>         h = uicontrol(Finter,'Style','Pushbutton',...
> Error in spm_regions (line 138)
>         s   = spm_input('which session','!+1','n1',s,Inf);
> Error using waitfor
> Error while evaluating UIControl Callback
> Error using spm_input (line 843)
> Input window cleared whilst waiting for response: Bailing out!
> Error in spm_regions (line 112)
>    = spm_input('name of region','!+1','s','VOI');
> Error while evaluating UIControl Callback"
> Has anyone come across this? I get the same message regardless of the subject, of whether I adjust for effects of interest and whatever the name is for the region. I have had the error for all regions so it doesn't seem related to the region itself.
> Any help would be appreciated!
> - D

Guillaume Flandin, PhD
Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging
University College London
12 Queen Square
London WC1N 3BG