

Thanks. Also, below is a short routine I use in SPM8, that you had helped
me with in the past, to make sure each subjects data has all the conditions
(even if there are no trials in it).

 % after epoching
cnew = {S.trialdef.conditionlabel};

% after averaging
corig = D.condlist;

c = zeros(numel(cnew), numel(corig));
[sel1, sel2] = spm_match_str(cnew, corig);

for i = 1:length(sel1)
    c(sel1(i), sel2(i)) = 1;

nrepl = zeros(1, numel(cnew));
nrepl(sel1) = D.repl;

S = [];
S.D = D;
S.c = c;
S.label = cnew;
S.WeightAve = 0;
D = spm_eeg_weight_epochs(S);

S = [];
S.D = D;
for m = 1:D.ntrials
    rpl = D.repl(m);
    if rpl>100
        D = repl(D,m,0);
save (D);

However, it seems that in SPM12 "spm_eeg_weight_epochs" doesn't exist. I
tried using the "spm_eeg_contrast" instead but it doesn't create the
missing conditions and changes are the number of repl in the conditions
that are already present.

Any help would be much appreciated.


On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 12:53 PM, Vladimir Litvak <[log in to unmask]
> wrote:

> See;10699a6c.1310
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 5:43 PM, Muhammad Adeel Parvaz <[log in to unmask]>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have been using 'reject' function in SPM8 to get rid of some of the
>> trials from the data. Apparently SPM12 doesn't have the 'reject' function.
>> Is there a homologous function that I can use instead of 'reject'?
>> Thanks
>> -Muhammad