


Caveat: I'm not a programmer, I don't work in systems, I'm only a librarian, so please don't laugh at my process or code... myself and a friend hammered it out over the weekend (he knows more than me but does not really know any javascript) so any improvements on it are welcome.

What I need: information about REVIEWS. 
Which list gets a review requested (ListUri), requested date, start date, completed date, ** requested by whom**, and completedBy whom.

-Who- requested the review is probably the most important piece of the data. At LSBU, our reading list coverage is ~95%. Academics are now required to send their list for review once a year to ensure the library has copies of core texts; and to show that they are engaged with Aspire. I need the email address of the -requester- to show that it is an academic who is requesting the review, not a member of our academic liaison team at the library. 

Some of that data is contained within the All Lists - Live Report. But frustratingly it only gives the date of the last review. Not the reviewer. This is despite the data being available as far as I can tell, from the new API documentation, which I understand the newer 'live reports' are built on.

Also, maddeningly, heart-breakingly, there is a 'Library Review Performance' report in our tenancy, which would be absolutely perfect, it contains all the data I need, and downloadable in a .csv format, EXCEPT the information about -who- requested the review is omitted. If this small piece of data was included by Talis, it would completely negate my need for the below code, and probably more work to come on my part...

So now, using the new API documented at, what I want to do is get that reviews data from the 'List History'.

I don't want the history / review data of one list, I want the data for -all- lists in my tenancy for 2015-16.

The below code performs a first get request (thank you on a file called allListIds.csv, which is a file I'll have to create with just the 2015-16 ListURIs each on a new line, stored in the same directory as my code.

Then a second get request is performed which would make use of the new API. I've included the URL of the mock server, I'd need clarification from Talis about our own. And obviously we'd need our own unique OAuth token as the querystring parameter - is the way that I've done it correct? That seems quite simple. It then loops over the array of List IDs and keeps returning json data into the browser, so eventually I'd just end up with a mass of json data, which I'd extract and convert into another file format like .csv for use in our reporting database. Ideally I'd prefer if it just returned the data as .csv (see line 59) but testing that gave errors.

So this took hours and hours to put together, so please be kind... and if you can keep any recommendations for fixes fairly Fisher Price, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.




	<div id="data"/>


	// Read data from csv file
	function readTextFile(file)
		var rawFile = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", file, true);
		rawFile.onreadystatechange = function ()
			if(rawFile.readyState === 4)
				if(rawFile.status === 200 || rawFile.status == 0)
					// Process the csv data from the file

	// GET json data from the API for the specified reading list
	function getDataFromApi(id) {
		var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "{shortCode}/lists/" + id + "/history?access_token=THIS_IS_THE_ACCESS_TOKEN");
		xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
		  if (this.readyState == 4) {
			//alert('Status: '+this.status+'\nHeaders: '+JSON.stringify(this.getAllResponseHeaders())+'\nBody: '+this.responseText);
			return this.responseText;
	// This function get called once the data gets back from the csv file
	function processCsvData(csvdata) {
		// Need to read each line of the file and do stuff for each line
		var arrayOfIds = csvdata.split("\n");
		// Now we have an array of ids, so loop over them
		arrayOfIds.forEach(function(id) {
			var jsonData = getDataFromApi(id);
			// Write data to web page
			document.getElementById("data").innerHTML += jsonData + "\n";
			// You can format this as a csv if you want here
			//document.getElementById("data").innerHTML += jsonData.uri + "," + jsonData.items[0].title + "\n";

	// Read contents of csv into the variable - csv file probably will need to be in same directory as the html file




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