

ALISS  Visit to Museum of English Rural Life
10th August 2.30-4.30

ALISS (Association of Librarians and Information professionals in the Social Sciences).  are pleased to announce an opportunity to visit the  Library and special  collections of the Museum of English Rural Life. This is located , next to the Royal Berkshire Hospital on Redlands Road, Reading RG1 5EX
and contains the most comprehensive national collection of objects, books and archives relating to the history of food, farming and the countryside. It is therefore of great interest to those supporting agricultural history, economic history and social history of the countryside.

The main museum Galleries are closed for redevelopment
but the library and archive collections remain open for researchers and for teaching and we will be able to view highlights from these collections we will also be able to meet staff and hear about the redevelopment.

The visit will last approximately 2 - hours.

There is no charge for aliss members
Non members £5

To  reserve a place please contact:

Heather Dawson
ALISS Secretary
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
British Library of Political and Economic Science
10 Portugal Street